MKE Week 23 – You Will Overcome

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Category:  Week 23


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“Elijah was suicidal.
Job wished he was never born.
David was depressed.
Moses was anxious.
Hannah was barren.
Paul was in prison.
Jacob was a cheater.
Peter had a temper.
David had an affair.
Noah got drunk.
Jonah ran away from God.
Paul was a murderer.
Gideon was insecure.
Miriam was a gossip.
Martha was a nervous wreck.
Thomas was a doubter.
Sarah was impatient.
Moses had a speech impediment.
Zaccheus was short.
Abraham was old.
Lazarus was dead.
But God set them free. He used their struggles and turned them into testimony. God can turn your worst seasons around when you choose to worship Him in the middle of the storm and believe that you are brilliant, strong and powerful. Turn your eyes upon Jesus and away from darkness. Believe that you are everything He created you to be.

Choose life over death. Choose LOVE over fear.
Worship is a choice. Belief is a choice.
You have to choose to worship despite feeling hopeless.
You have to choose to see God as bigger than your suffering and your problems.
Your worship magnifies God far above your present situation. He shines through you!
You are an overcomer!
God does not call the qualified. He qualifies the called.”

Meet Teresa Rose

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  • Celebrations and congratulations Teresa – thank you for blogging a post every week and your press statement too – outstanding 🥰
    Enjoy the continuation webbie 🙂

  • “God does not call the qualified. He qualifies the called.” What a wonderful line, Teresa, to close out what appears to be a catch-up Week 23! 🙂

  • I appreciate your post Teresa. It reminds me of the importance of being present, being aware of our thoughts, and knowing we do have a choice of what to focus on and the meaning we attach to experiences = Law of Dual Thought.

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