There has been a change in me. My attitude, how I show up for others and how I also show up for myself.
I am now seeing results that I have released yesterday’s limiting beliefs that have held me hostage, and I now see that this tweak is making a difference.
Oh, sure, there are still fears. I find myself asking if this is truly real. This uneasy feeling of stepping into new territory is showing up, but I take comfort in it because I am reminded that this is exactly what is bringing me to this breakthrough. I am stepping into a freedom that I did not know I was missing.
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles has been so inspiring and corrective to my thinking too. I must have listened to this numerous times over the past week. I have known and listened to this book in the past, but not with the clarity that I have today. (more growth)
Then there is the matter of taking two days without talking and without devices etc. It is interesting that this is what I have been longing for. Right away I felt sad when it was presented because I am the sole caregiver of my husband who is ill.
The journey has been interesting because, once I could not see a way to make it happen, people began showing up in my life who have been a caregiver. They have been letting me know of ways that I might be able to get the relief to do this for myself.
So, although I have not done this gift to me yet, I am on a mission to achieve this as I investigate and put things in place. I feel so much freer, the possibilities are lighting my way and I am so grateful for the rub that brought this to light for me.
I am truly the observer and truly stepping into my own beingness. I own my life and am so grateful for this awareness, this self discovery.
As Emerson says ” Whatever the Mind of Man Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve”
Hi Laura, You are showing up for yourself and overcoming the unknown. Yes, I believe you are stepping into your true self.
Great blog Laura! It takes a lot of energy to be a caregiver. I’m so glad to see you are looking into getting some help/relief. Praying for your husband and for healing!
Growth is shown in different ways, after 23 weeks we can’t be the same person anymore but change this time, it feels good. Thank you Laura!
You’re like the Genie in the Bottle, Laura. As your self-directed power radiates outward, people are drawn to you like a magnet! 🙂
Shining your light is a beacon for others to come to you to offer what you need. Great manifesting Laura, your time of silence is not far away now 😉
Inspiring blog Laura! I especially enjoyed when you shared “I am truly the observer and truly stepping into my own beingness. I own my life and am so grateful for this awareness, this self discovery.” Congrats for giving yourself permission to say yes to your unique Hero’s Journey and for actively engaging in the daily mental exercises. Time to celebrate your growth and awareness. =)