MKE Week 22a – To be silent or not to be silent

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Category:  Week 22a


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Alas, I did not take the time to be silent for a period of time. I had hoped to dedicate time in my schedule to be silent, and due to other commitments, taking a section of time to do this was not possible. So, I scheduled this time of silence next year so I can take the time during the next time this course is given.

I am also going taking time later in the year, to try this out, as I truly see the value. Hearing the experiences of others how this process was so amazing is so inspirational. There is such value doing something out of the norm to help expand ourselves.

I remember many years ago, when taking a 5 day immersive course, where every morning we were in silence until after breakfast. It was such a liberating experience. It had such a calming effect and at the same time it was such a joyful experience.

I experienced this calmness and joy, after the first couple of days of feeling uncomfortable, wanting to talk and not wanting to be in my thoughts. Both extremes in the experiences were valuable in their own way. I needed to pass through the dark in order to experience the light.

The Fab Davene says that moments or minutes of silence is a way to start if more time is not possible. This is a good place to start at this time. Enjoy the silence where possible and then schedule time when you can take a bigger chunk off to be in silence. It is amazing what you can experience and learn.

Meet Suzette Willems

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  • Yes, Suzette, taking whatever length of time you can take for Silence is so valuable and powerful as you have tasted through a 5 day immersive course. I also love your imagery of “passing through the dark in order to experience the light” as that is so true in my experience also. It takes practice and resilience but so worth it!

  • Yes, Suzette, the world within creates the world without, and the silence is the best place to find it! 🙂

  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Suzette. Glad you see the value in extended Silence. Enjoy the Silence you can now, like you said, for some extended hours, then schedule in the longer day period. GIve yourself permission to “Do it now”.

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