It was an interesting concept they had when they told us about the fear of the mysterious. I thought, what’s that? Didn’t have a clue what it really entailed, that mysteries stuff that is that comes into its existence when the future version of yourself shows up earlier than expected.
Maybe my mysterious, or even your mysterious, is more than we ever really thought of it? Mysterious is simply unknown, right? Well, what happens when one starts to become the architect of their future self and they, in a way, lose a large portion of that mystery? Is it really still a mysterious thing to them, to me, to?
Once upon a time my future was some kind of dream future that kept eluding me. No matter how close that future came, some random mysterious thing would show its face and thus that future stops elude me. My future would continuously become an illusion to me. After that it was nothing more than a dream, maybe a fantasy of sorts. I didn’t expect it to ever become a reality even though I always strived forward pushing towards it!
Then along came this MKE thingy, some random thing that presented itself and I bit! I jumped into it without any idea why. I began with some hesitation, I had a little less questioning about it than with most things. Maybe that was a good or great thing? I really had no clue at that time.
Then it happened, the MKE teachings became a part of my world. My faith and trust continued to grow to the point that at some point I put everything that I had into it! It was that moment that began the largest transition into that elusive future of mine. And that future became ever present and thus no longer just done random continous dream!!!
It came so fast that I actually got ahead of myself and the MKE! I got ahead and had nearly 3 weeks of shutting off all the outside crap that the internet and cellphones bring unto us. During that time I found out how much the universe is us, not us being a part of it, it was us, me being the universe! The mysterious is no longer mysterious! The universe is no longer a separate part of me.
We are whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, Harmonious, and happy!
I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, Harmonious, and happy!
This adventure has only begun, an adventure that can only evolve!
Thank you MKE!
Enjoy the journey!
Yes, Andrew, definitely not a chicken! LOL Great post! 🙂
Drew, what an incredible realization and revelation that you’ve come to! R2A2 here! You are absolutely right about “This adventure has only begun, an adventure that can only evolve!”. Continue to enjoy this amazing journey!