For a long time I have been the girl who bends over backwards for people to like me. I have cared immensely what people thought of me, and let others determine my worth.
Lately I have been taking time to celebrate my own individuality. When hanging out with others I will take some time out to do the things I want to do. If we are going swimming I will run ahead and dive in if I want. I will spend time running my fingers through the water instead of looking to please others the whole time.
I have also started to rest heavily into the fact that others are perfect just as they are. Any disagreements that we have are simply nature’s way of moving us towards a more cohesive future, but imperfections in relationships are not the end of the world. Now I embrace that it is life for not everything to be easy and smooth, sometimes the journey is messy and that’s what makes it fun!
So glad to hear of your new you!
We’re all a work in progress!
One great big learning experience!
Yes, Aschel, I agree. Even great works of art usually start out a mess! The fun is in the creation! Thanks for being a self-directed creator! 🙂
I am so glad for you that you are celebrating YOU! You are giving yourself a gift that blesses others. Good job!