Shirley was so generous to show her copy of I Am by Tom Shadyac for those of us who couldn’t come to the first showing Peaches did. It was a great documentary and I would definitely watch it again in the
Week 22a: An Introduction to Wallace D. Wattles...
We are continuing to learn how to raise our awareness to the achievement of possibilities we didn't previously know existed.
Join us for an adventure in discovering your future self, clarify what you want your life to be - and plan the action to achieve it.

Reflections on Week 22a
This week is considered a break week as there is no live webcast. Here we are departing a bit from The Master Key System and studying the
genius of Wallace D. Wattles.
Wattles is most well-known for his famous ‘Science’ Trilogy of books. Here is an opportunity for MKE members to get a deeper understand of the materials from a different, yet just as powerful source. Most importantly, the truth finally came out that the flash-in-the-pan book and movie “The Secret” is actually derived
from the teaching of Wattles.
That’s right - so listen deeply to this irreplaceable wisdom. Please enjoy
“The Science of Being Rich”.
davene januszewski
MKE co-founder
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