With each week, I keep noticing small things which are so exciting in general. Increased confidence, not worrying as much of what others think, increased happiness …. it all comes back to MKE.
I don’t even want to admit how many rah rah rah events I’ve attended – the ones where I leave feeling changed …. until arriving back into real life and returning to my regularly scheduled mundane program a week later. (I still will attend them with managed expectations as I believe there is always something to learn).
However, nothing has made such a long lasting impression as MKE. I know that by following my new daily routine, I will keep heading into this new direction of life and its so exciting. Look out LoriAnn!!
As an aside – maybe fate – I somehow picked up this autobiography of a Canadian skier that I’ve never heard of. Her claim to fame is the fact that she broke the world record for skiing the most vertical feet in 1 year (4 million feet). Completely unexpected is the fact the book is about her journey of self discovery throughout this trip.
To me it has been a metaphor of MKE – stripping down like an onion the tough exterior to get to what’s inside … and re-building back up again – the golden buddha. I am not finished yet, though if you’re looking for a great journey: UNBOUND (Finding Myself on top of the World), by Steph Jagger.
Also by chance, I saw a documentary on Prime last night about true prison outbreaks. It turned into such a metaphor for me (so many metaphors nowadays). To watch these inmates dedication, perseverance and ingenuity + nothing to lose = unbelievable success. It made me think of what is holding me back (my prison cell) and by worrying about losing what I have (comfort zone) which is causing me to hold back. Once I can drop my fear of loss, the sky’s the limit.
A bit of a rambling today. More changes from MKE – I’m not worried about sharing my personal thoughts any more. I’m letting myself be more vulnerable with my feelings. I’m not re-reading my blogs and could care less if there are mistakes or if it doesn’t make sense (it does to me and that’s what counts) . It’s quite a cathartic feeling. 🙂
I really enjoyed your blog Loriann and have really enjoyed seeing your growth through the entire process. Remember that the sky is not the limit, you are limited only by your mind and I think it is time for you to take off.
Wonderful blog LoriAnn! I can relate so much to what you are writing about recognising metaphors after going thru MKE. And your metaphor about the inmates really spoke to me. Thank you for sharing you thoughts and feelings. They always give me something valuable to ponder about.
Beautiful blog Loriann! Congrats on being the Objective Observer and giving yourself permission to applaud your own growth. I too have attended lots of “rah-rah” events over the years…and yes I believe I learned something from each experience, yet for me the MKE teaches a framework for change that lasts and how to discover for myself what changes I want to focus on. Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing some of your inner thoughts. Cheering you on your Hero’s Journey!