MKE Week 22 – Anything Not Everything

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Category:  Week 22


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A while ago, I decided I should write a new DMP. I still need to do this. I have procrastinated. I’m not fond of writing. That was not the problem. I did not know how I wanted to change it. I do desire the things on my current DMP. I just never got started. I started listening to “The Strangest Secret” by Earl Nightingale about a month ago. I have not listened every day for thirty days but have heard it often. In the presentation, he states that you should concentrate on only one desire. I listened to that and thought maybe there were too many desires in my DMP. I should have gone into the Alliances and asked the question. I did not. So, my DMP was never rewritten.

In the chapter 22 webcast, we got to the Anything not Everything section. I thought this aligned with Earl Nightingale. This week I have been thinking about my DMP off and on. I still needed to figure out what to do. I knew I had to change at least one PPN. I thought about anything, not everything. I then decided that what I wanted was choices. I have very few choices now. Yes, I want a big house. That is not an option now. Maybe the big house should not be on my DMP right now. I live with my brother and sister-in-law right now. They are great, and I am so grateful they took me in when I needed a place to live. I do want to get a place of my own. Where I can do what I want and have a pet, so the house should go for now. I just decided while writing this.

Travel will stay on my new DMP. There will be shorter and more frequent vacations.

What I don’t have is contributions on my current DMP. They must go on. I want to increase my yearly giving to the Angel Network, which helps foster children. I have not decided on a second charity yet. But I know it will be either environmental or animal benefits. I will fix it shortly.

So where does this leave me with choices? Money. I need more money to be able to make these choices. So, housing is not the first on my DMP. Money does. My network marketing business must be my top priority. When I succeed there, the number of choices I have grows. It has been a long time since I had a lot of options available to me. There will be the freedom and peace I desire.

I was going to start writing my new DMP today. I did not. It took too long to determine what I would write on this blog. The writing of the blog helped me decide what needed to change on my DMP. Hopefully, my DMP will take less time than usual after this.

I hope this long blog for me is not painful to read. It did help me figure out what I needed to do. So at least this blog accomplished something.

Meet John Harris

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  • Great blog, John. I trust you’ll get your DMP focused and your dreams come true!! Do it NOW! 🙂

  • Bravo John, always feeling to better yourself and do the right thing.
    “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing”.
    Money helps.
    Also, I remember us going through Napoleon Hills ‘Success through a Positive Mental Attitude’ talks about other peoples money … food for thought?

  • Way to go, John! I would expect your DMP to be easy to right after the discussion you have made in this blog!

  • Sounds like you’re working through it and getting it sorted, John! It’s yours, and yours alone to decide your priorities and targets. When you make a decision (and cut away all the other options,) you gain clarity and can concentrate your focus, and move ahead more powerfully.

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