I still have to do the “quiet for a couple days” exercise. I’m in Seattle this week with my mom visiting my sister and my niece. I realize that it is important during this time that I stay focused and avoid negativity.
I was a paaarrriiitttyyy annoyed that the print outs for week 22a were not available to print by the time I had to leave for Seattle though, because no printer here. I’m observing that I am different than the last visit, but it is still very difficult to remain sane around my family, especially my mom.
I am doing pretty well with my goal of being nice to her this trip, which is a far cry from my last trip here. I have had a significant dip in my productivity the last week, but I’m not upset with myself. Life happens. Week 22a ‘Science of Getting Rich” video set me up for a more productive week as it is a condensed and easier to understand learning tool for me. Took a million screen shots and put them into a folder for future reference.
All though I was not on the webcast for 22a today (I was at Seattle Children’s museum with my niece) I feel like the “Getting Rich” video was mooooore than enough for today 🙂 will catch up with everything this week it’s all good. And despite all the potential setbacks I do believe now that they are “blessings in disguise”. Looking forward to watching the replay and catching up with a niece free morning. Hope everyone is doing great with their journey so far.
Hi Laura, You are embracing the moment with your family. Being an Aunt is truly a blessing. Enjoy the time with her.
Thank you for sharing and staying the course regardless of the bumps.
There may be highs and LOWS, bumps and SETBACKS, and everything in between, Laura. Yet staying on the HEROES JOURNEY is all that matters…if you know what I mean?! 🙂
Congrats Laura on observing all your growth. Cheering you on!