MKE Week 22 – And the roller coaster ride continues :)

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Category:  Week 22


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I still have to do the “quiet for a couple days” exercise. I’m in Seattle this week with my mom visiting my sister and my niece. I realize that it is important during this time that I stay focused and avoid negativity.

I was a paaarrriiitttyyy annoyed that the print outs for week 22a were not available to print by the time I had to leave for Seattle though, because no printer here. I’m observing that I am different than the last visit, but it is still very difficult to remain sane around my family, especially my mom.

I am doing pretty well with my goal of being nice to her this trip, which is a far cry from my last trip here. I have had a significant dip in my productivity the last week, but I’m not upset with myself. Life happens. Week 22a ‘Science of Getting Rich” video set me up for a more productive week as it is a condensed and easier to understand learning tool for me. Took a million screen shots and put them into a folder for future reference.

All though I was not on the webcast for 22a today (I was at Seattle Children’s museum with my niece) I feel like the “Getting Rich” video was mooooore than enough for today 🙂 will catch up with everything this week it’s all good. And despite all the potential setbacks I do believe now that they are “blessings in disguise”. Looking forward to watching the replay and catching up with a niece free morning. Hope everyone is doing great with their journey so far.

Meet Laura Lynne

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  • Hi Laura, You are embracing the moment with your family. Being an Aunt is truly a blessing. Enjoy the time with her.

  • There may be highs and LOWS, bumps and SETBACKS, and everything in between, Laura. Yet staying on the HEROES JOURNEY is all that matters…if you know what I mean?! 🙂

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