MKE Week 21 – Back In The Saddle Riding Tall

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Category:  Week 21


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Finally re-established some equilibrium again, feeling back to normal, and have worked to catch up. Feeling good again, and am pushing forward with strengthened resolve. My old programming will be overwritten, and I expect that all will be well. I am doing the work, and am confident that I will achieve the desired results, in time. All things will work together for my good!

Yesterday after listening to a YouTube video with the audio of Scroll 5, the next video served up was of Bruce Lipton, talking about some of the same stuff as we’ve been taught. Immediately he grabbed my attention for an hour. Confirmed everything, presenting it a bit differently, but serving up an awesome third party validation of how our minds work and how to change it. (Interesting coincidence? I’d never seen anything from him before. I had heard of him, recently.) I found it encouraging. Always nice to get additional evidence of being on the right track!

Last week’s makeover was focused on courage. I watched an old episode of the original Kung Fu TV series, and it had as part of the plot someone who was willing to stand up for his beliefs, which was counter to the rigid religious group’s leadership he was living with. His courage to do so came with some personal cost, and led to becoming a self-directed thinker, instead of remaining an obedient follower.

Subsequently, it also brought about another courageous decision for a major life change: Parting ways with the group (who decided to move at short notice to the unknown to avoid conflict) to remain where they had been living and already invested much time, effort, and energy. That was more beneficial to the wellness and future of his family.

My makeover subject this week is discipline. There’s many facets to that, but what has stuck out the most to me falls under training, teaching, instruction, drilling. An example is the martial artist who practices to perfect techniques, moves and responses. Found also the correlation with what we are doing daily with the MKE tools and exercises. We are disciplining our minds and bodies similarly. Just like the martial artist, we will achieve the proficiency commensurate with our time and effort invested.

Meet Mike Sambuco

Passionate worshipper of God, loving husband to Terri, father to Stephanie, and grandfather to Justice. Music minister, entrepreneur, network marketer, guitarist, motorcyclist, amateur radio DXer, martial artist, photographer, telecom technician; previously career Air Force Master Sergeant (Comm and Intel.) Originally from Ohio, now is one of the “frozen chosen” of Alaska since 1987. A fun-loving encourager, enjoys empowering others!

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  • One of my instructors always said, “practice, practice, practice until it becomes your practice.”

  • As an budoka and living with aikido as an life style I can really relate with the “art of discipline”. And as a yellow person I am highly grateful to have internalised the Frank Makeover discipline.
    Thank you for sharing your reflections on your Hero’s journey with the MKE

  • All the effort you have invested in your life, especially with the MKE tools fine tuning it for you, is now to reap the rewards in your life.
    “Be like water”

  • Yes, Mike, discipline comes in many forms and practices. Thanks for noticing that! As for courage, whether it’s best for your family to stay where they are or travel off with a larger splinter herd, is a tough choice; because there is more than just your own life involved! Nevertheless, being a self-directed thinker trumps being a comfort zone follower every time! 🙂

  • Bravo Mike! Way to be the Objective Observer and recommit to your mental exercises. I love the analogy you gave between martial artist training and our MKE daily exercises. Cheering you on!

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