The big news today is the major business obstacle I previously mentioned reversed and came into agreement today (insert cheers and rejoicing here!) and I immediately began pursuing funding for my new

I enrolled as a life member. It was a quick and easy no-brainer. Can’t beat a deal like that! (Now, should I go on to become certified as a guide?) Realized that

Noticed during my reading of Greatest Salesman scroll 6 this month, where it says “I will become great,” my mind is saying “I am great.” That is a noticeable shift. Now becoming

This is my third week twenty-four. I look back at this point to see if I have improved over the last six months. Each year the answer is yes. Every year there

There is someone in my small community that always says hi. Unfortunately for him, I grimace every time I see him. We met at a concert and I was enjoying talking to

I had trouble deciding what to write about this week, so I finally decided on silence. I have not done my two or three days of silence yet. I have not planned

I’ve made progress, but not as much as I had hoped on the numbers scale. But, I’m not very good with self-assessing my progress with only three choices and two are absolutes.

For a long time I have been the girl who bends over backwards for people to like me. I have cared immensely what people thought of me, and let others determine my

I did it. I went a whole 24 hours without my phone, books or laptop. You know what? I did not die. I was not lonely. In fact, I had more social