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Breaking news: Ann-Charlotte Stewart, PhD, breaks ground with her new book for children about how to unlock the power of the subconscious mind

Interview by Dr Bruce Lipton, PhD

Dr. Stewart has done it again. This time in a, for her, new field as she presents a fun, charming, inspirational and sweet little story to teach anyone about the workings of the subconscious mind and how we can unleash our inner power. The idea to write for children came to her while doing the MKEMMA course by the world famous inspirational teachers, the power couple Mark J and the fabulous Davene, and their amazing team, in October 2022. It was during one of the meditations following the daily reading of “The Master Key System” that Mr Charles F. Haanel, author of the book, came to Ann-Charlotte (AC) and suggested to her to “ perhaps think about how to explain the content of my book, ‘The Master Key System’ to an eleven year old, or even a seven year old”.

One of AC’s dreams has for most of her life been to co-create a world that we can be proud of to hand over to our children. She calls it Heaven on Mother Earth or H.O.M.E. for short. Inspired by Chief Seattle, in 1995 she set out to live in accordance with the Highest Good and the intent to consider the consequences of her every step and action for the coming seven generations. She has lived with this intent since she abruptly ended her career as a research scientist in 1995. AC holds a doctor’s degree in Medical Genetics from University of Uppsala, Sweden, her home country. AC spent 10 years studying the genetics of papillomaviruses and had a grant from WHO. During the last 18 months as a scientist she did a post doc in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was during this period she understood that she was actually on Planet Earth to do something totally different than science. She had no idea of what, but she set out to discover her Dharma. The search for that holy grail turned into a Hero’s journey that has taken her all over the planet. She has lived and worked in eight different countries on three different continents. She has sat at the feet of many masters and gurus to understand and re-member. She has studied yoga, meditation, ayurveda, shamanism, healing, vibrational medicine, ancient texts, singing and sound healing, dance therapy, tandava dancing, the new thought movement, law of attraction, tantra, hermetics, psychedelics, ayahuasca, spiritual alchemy and more. A tour de force, initially with the idea to heal body, mind and soul and more long term to figure out that obscure idea of Dharma and the reason for being on this planet.

It is easy to tell that Ms. Stewart is very excited as the release of her new book and movie is getting closer. She tells me about the main characters in the book, the little ant Märta, as well as the elephant Dunder, both living in a boring zoo in Stockholm, Sweden. Both Dunder and Märta are very unhappy at the zoo, and both have thought long about how to free themselves from life in captivity. Dunder has given up on his dream, but not Märta. She keeps her dream alive and she knows that one day she will succeed.

AC giggles, laughs and blushes as she reminisces and talks about her own hero’s journey. A very long and arduous journey that in retrospect seems silly, with the understanding that she created it all by herself. ‘It certainly has not always been easy’, she continues, ‘there have been huge sacrifices and I have felt so horrible subjecting my own children to all this’. She has faced death many times on the road to finally setting herself free. The fear and shackles of the trauma experienced as a child and growing up was like walking through hell. Those early incidents affected her severely and caused so much pain and suffering to herself, her family and her children. Still, smiling, she tells me she does not regret a single thing and stresses that what she learned could not have been distilled in any other way. ‘The journey has been like a roller coaster’, or as she calls it, ‘My Divine Adventure’. She has had a great deal of fun on that road too, ‘and how could it possibly be a good adventure without a few dragons and monsters along the way?’, she smiles and winks at me.

I have had the privilege to read the book, which makes me think of “The Little Prince” and I can honestly say that it is a brilliant, fun, adventurous and sweet little fairy tale that I think the youngest of us will like a lot. The beautiful artwork in the book is by Isa J. Stewart, AC’s daughter. The drawings are by themselves worth buying the book, for yourself or as a nice gift for a child of any age. If it helps them to understand how the subconscious mind works and how we can unlock its omnipotence remains to be seen. On the other hand, small children already know these things, don’t they, and they practice the tools intuitively until a silly grown up introduces fear and doubt.

Now we eagerly await the book release as well as the movie. It is going to be very interesting to see how Dr. Stewart’s work will be received by the world. Perhaps the book and the movie in reality is a great tool for our kids to teach their own sleeping parents about how to set themselves free and make their dreams come true? Time will tell.

Meet Ann-Charlotte Stewart

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  • Just fabulous Press Release! I was blown away reading it! I am excited to read your book when it´s released (feel like a child).

  • What a great idea, Ann-Charlotte. Write a book able to teach kids how to avoid the cement pitfalls of faulty programing, and subsequently showing their parents the importance of giving cement the boot! 🙂

  • Thank you so much. I am very excited about the book, but also worried that I won’t be able to see it through. The work with manifesting it feels so important and I get stressed out about that… and money… Every time I sit down to meditate, though, our dear friend Mr Haanel comes to me and gives me another little piece of the plot. It really is a great story and I love the characters as they present themselves to me, one after another… FEAR BE GONE!!!

    I deeply appreciate your invaluable help with becoming the best version of me, dear Luc. TY! <3

  • That’s an excellent Press Release and a great invitation to read your coming new book, I’m excited to discover it! Thanks for sharing your dream with us!

  • Ann-Charlotte, thank you for sharing “Heaven on Mother Earth or H.O.M.E. for short.”

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