MKE Continuation – Week 25 PHD and Life Membership

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I enrolled as a life member. It was a quick and easy no-brainer. Can’t beat a deal like that! (Now, should I go on to become certified as a guide?)

Realized that “I always keep my promises” has become very important to me. The day prior to commencement was involved with an annual event which took up my day, and most of the night. I had done little of the assignments that day, only one round of affirmations and one read of Scroll 6. I was so tired and wanting to have my head hit the pillow, and found myself thinking, “I can skip a day. We’re at the end. It’s up to me.” Then I realized, I made a decision to follow this through until I achieve my DMP goals, and I always keep my promises! So, I pressed on and stayed up another hour and a half and completed the work. I then went to bed satisfied that I had been faithful to my commitment to myself. I only had about 5.5 hours of sleep time until our webinar.

Was it worth it? Yes! I’ve been learning that keeping my word to myself is important. If I don’t keep my word and commitments to myself, I suffer for it. I can’t trust my own word. If I can’t trust myself to do what I say, why should anyone else?!

I have often not followed through with things in the past. This time I drew the line and said this far, no more. It’s time to move forward more powerfully than ever before. It’s my time.

Sometimes in order to succeed, we must attain our own PHD… pig-headed determination!

Last week’s makeover was persistence. That seemed very appropriate, since this journey has been built on consistent, daily actions. Takes persistence to apply all of the tools and do the work daily for the entire time!

This week it’s Seeing God in Others. It’s beginning to be revelatory…

Meet Mike Sambuco

Passionate worshipper of God, loving husband to Terri, father to Stephanie, and grandfather to Justice. Music minister, entrepreneur, network marketer, guitarist, motorcyclist, amateur radio DXer, martial artist, photographer, telecom technician; previously career Air Force Master Sergeant (Comm and Intel.) Originally from Ohio, now is one of the “frozen chosen” of Alaska since 1987. A fun-loving encourager, enjoys empowering others!

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  • Mahalo for sharing this amazing read – You are taking responsibility for your life and your future doing the work to get that done CONGRATULATIONS ON TAKING CARE OF YOU!

  • I love the PHD you earned, good one! I am impressed that you kept your word to yourself, so important!

  • “Sometimes in order to succeed, we must attain our own PHD… pig-headed determination!” Love this! Perhaps it’s an acronym we should add to the list of MKE acronyms. And the answer is – Yes! You should be a guide! You’ve done the work – what a better way to incorporate MKE into your life than to guide others?

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