Hiiee. I live in Los Angeles, CA. I do many things but my biggest talent is being a downer. HAHA. That’s why I’m here, because I know there is more to life than the life I’m living. I’ve always been a seeker and wondered why I was put
here on earth.
People around me have always had opinions about that, so have I, but nothing felt right to me though except for one thing that I have truly always loved. I’ve had some success, but starting very early on and for many years since then, I’ve repeatedly sabotaged and succumbed to fear, what I thought of myself, who or what I should be so people would like me, and addiction.
A vicious cycle that caused me to miss out on so many amazing opportunities. Here to change that because I’m sure as s**t that’s not how my life was meant to play out. So far scary and not easy at all to think for myself bc I was conditioned not to by every imaginable source around.
So this alluring, inclusive, ever-present mysterious source that is waiting for me to unlock it and have the life of my wildest dreams keeps me here, willing to try until the miracle happens. I hope this helps others too if you/they are scared and struggling too.
Let’s DO THIS though!
Hang on to your undies 🙂
Hi Loren ya I’ve been a little tornado of self pity man! But helping and accepting help from others through this has helped me so much!
Thanks Day! xoxo
Yay, thanks Joan! 🙂
Love u Candy!! 💘
Thanks for sharing Laura, you are a gem. I appreciate you in my tribe and your constant want and willingness to grow and be better. You can be what you will to be. <3
That’s awesome, Laura. You have truly taken a step toward a different future. Good for you!
Hey Laura you’ve got me wondering what this one thing you truly love is. Your one true talent is being a “downer?” Really? Sounds as if you’re getting ready to blast off! 🙂
Hi Laura, Let’s do this together. Love getting to knw3 you through your first blog. Good post
What a great example of setting your sights to a higher level, Laura. Can’t wait to see what unfolds for you here.