MKE About Me – Jacqueline Maynard-Campbell

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“Champion Grandma”!

I am an American by birth, Bahamian by marriage, Citizen of the Kingdom of God by invitation and acceptance. I am a Mother, grandmother and great grandmother; two individuals in each category and all female except for my great grandson. For the past 32 years I have had the awesome opportunity and privilege to live my best life within two countries; as a citizen of The United States and a resident of The Bahamas. My career is somewhat eclectic: corporate management, retail administration, education (Preschool secretary and Certified ESOL Teacher), Bahamian tourism industry (Taxi & Tour owner) an entrepreneur in the health and wellness industry (Certified Wholistic Health Coach and Health Warrior), travel industry (Independent Cruise and Travel Consultant with major public industry). I also have undergraduate and graduate degrees in Business Administration. My major business concentrations are health & wellness and the travel industry. My favorite pastime activities are: quality engagements with family, travel, needlework, continuous personal development, and volunteer opportunities (Literacy Volunteers of America –Prince William, Virginia). I am a Toastmaster and write poetry when inspired. I also love to read and listen to a variety of musical expressions. My ultimate goal in life is to fulfill my God given purpose and empower generations.

Meet Jacqueline Maynard-Campbell

Entrepreneur, Certified Wholistic Health Coach, and Cruise and Travel Consultant, Jacqueline's background includes management in corporate America, retail administration and Bahamian tourism. She holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in Business Administration. She is a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, known as "Champion Grandma", fulfilling her purpose to Empower Generations!

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  • After knowing you for so many years, Jacqueline, it is an honor and a privilege to “meet” you completely. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • What a great introduction, Jacqueline! You are a busy lady, and I bet you get things done! I love the title of Champion Grandma, reminds me of a friend who has the Grandma name of Super-G.

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